Enable Block: 

Order of the Punjab and Haryana High Court in the matter of DLF City Residents Welfare Association & Others Vs State of Haryana & Others dated 13/02/2025.

The matter related to unauthorized constructions in areas of DLF City, Gurugram. Some of the illegal and unauthorized construction included five to seven storey buildings/ structures in DLF City, Gurugram.

Reply on behalf of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in compliance to the National Green Tribunal order in O.A No. 515 of 2022.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Prakash Yadav Vs State of Haryana & Others dated 03/05/2024.

Issue involved in the application related to discharge of household sewage through drains in the pond at village Kharkhada, district Rewari, Haryana. In the joint meeting dated February 23, 2024 it was informed that no black water is flowing into the pond. Grey water generated from the kitchen and bathroom is only flowing into the pond through drains.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Varun Gulati Vs State of Haryana & Others dated 21/02/2024.  

Order of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) in the matter of Ajay Shrivastava Vs State of Haryana dated 27/09/2023.

The application raised the issue of disposal of fly ash lying at a site in Aravalli even after closure of the power house, Bata Chowk, Faridabad. This is violation of Aravalli Notification, May 7, 1992 by the MoEF&CC restricting certain activities in the specified area of Aravalli Range.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shri Lal Ji & Others Vs State of Haryana & Others dated 28/07/2023.

The issue raised in the application was unscientific and unregulated dumping of municipal solid waste and construction and demolition waste on public land in khasra nos. 127, 157 and 164 by Nagar Parishad of Palwal in an open area in village Hodal Garhi Patti, district Palwal, Haryana.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Dr. Sandeep Kumar Gupta Vs State of Haryana & Others dated 07/07/2023.

The matter related to violation of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 and violation of the guidelines issued by the NGT by the Municipal Corporation, Hisar.

The Haryana State Pollution Control Board and the District Magistrate, Panipat was directed by the National Green Tribunal (NGT) to investigate whether Panipat Thermal Power Plant had violated environmental norms.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mahendra Singh Vs State of Haryana & Others dated 18/01/2023.

The matter related to stone crushers operating in district Mahendergarh in Haryana.

The court observed that "inspite of negative carrying capacity of the area in terms of air quality, large number of stone crushers are being permitted to continue".

Reply filed by the Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran in the matter of Brigadier Paramjit Singh & Others Vs State of Haryana & Others dated 30/12/2022.

An application filed before the NGT sought restoration of water body (Johad) and greenbelt area surrounding the water body and "to set aside and declare the notification for e-auction initiated by Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran as illegal".
