It turned out to be a battle between grapes and coal and the latter lost. Peabody Resources, a branch of Britain's Hanson group had to abandon its plans to develop a US $10,156 miflion coal mine

THE disused Brent Spar oil storage platform, whose possible disposal at sea caused a major storm last summer, has yet to find a resting place. Shell, its owner, has now come up with a plan which

INTERNET, the world's communication network will soon becorne the source for crofters - tenants in Scotland holding small plots of arable land near their homes - to access information al;6ut

Rural agricultural practices in the UK maybe in for an automation invasion. Robots, instead of humans, will pick and sort through vegetables and fruits, milk cows and guide farm vehicles

Transferred genes light up the prospects of keeping agricultural trouble makers in control

Centrifugal oil cleaners, develOP4 by Britain's Glacier Filter Prodaft company, would soon oust tzvd9W tional paper oil filters in cam HE% production vehicles introduction them from

An electricity generating wind turbine system for installation on roofs of urban homes has been designed by UK energy consultant Derek Taylor (Wind Power Monthly, Vol 11, No 7).

A recent study gives disturbing revelations about the impact that everyday use chemicals may have on the human sperm count and even induce sex change

SCIENTISTS have now found a way to render "killer" malaria viruses impotent. Researchers based in the Institute of Molecular Medicine at Oxford University and other research bodies in the us have

A plastic tube can be used to insert a graft into blood vessels, circumventing the need for bypass surgery
