In prelude to the 9th GRIHA SUMMIT, a panel discussion was organised on whether ‘Sustainable is Affordable’ or not. The discussion focused on key issues like how will buildings become more green and sustainable. Mr. Gaurav Gupta, Director, SG Estates was also a member of the panel discussion which highlighted the key points towards achieving a more sustainable scenario in today’s world along with addressing what all difficulties that might arise in achieving this goal.

Centre for Science and Environment is effectively managing both solid and liquid waste generated within the office campus, at a minimal cost. The CSE office in Delhi is an office with a difference. In the last 15 years, it has successfully become waste neutral in its operation.

This public service advertisement produced by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is to promote rainwater harvesting as the lesson from the past, which provides us the solution for the future. The spot revolves around the concept of catching rain in a neighbourhood, creating a cascading effect. People begin to collect water in a variety of objects and in fact, in anything they can lay their hands on. Using a medley of emotions –wonder, comic and even the absurd – the idea that rainwater harvesting is a community effort and it is about building a sharing and caring society is subtly woven in.

Rain Water Harvesting

Rain Water Harvesting-Bangladesh

Rainwater harvesting is one of the feasible options of fresh water sources in the coastal areas of Bangladesh and recently a lot of initiatives and programme were undertaken to promote and install rainwater harvesting systems both in the coastal and arsenic affected areas in Bangladesh. Moreover, every year the country is also blessed with ample rain. The average annual rainfall in Bangladesh is about 2200 mm, seventy-five percent of it occurs between May and September.

Pune is a water-rich city with four dams and three rivers supplying water.
