Question raised in Lok Sabha on polluting industries, 28/07/2015. Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has inventorised Grossly Polluting Industries (GPIs) in 5 states on the main stem of River Ganga and its tributaries i.e. Kali-east and Ramganga as well as Yamuna. The state-wise and sector-wise status of Grossly Polluted Industries GPIs in Ganga basin is given at Annexure. The industries discharging effluents in Yamuna at Haryana are 1211 and in Uttar Pradesh these are 2381.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter Naweda Tanners & Others Vs U.P. P.C.B. dated 19/05/2015 regarding industrial pollution of river Ganga especially by tanneries.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Maheshtala Manufacturers Welfare Association Vs. The State of West Bengal & Ors. dated 19/03/2015 regarding pollution caused by bleaching, printing and dying industries, Maheshtala‎, West Bengal.

The Tribunal directed 79 industries to remain closed and not to carry on their operation till the time directed by the Tribunal on the next date of hearing.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Karnail Singh & Ors. Vs. CPCB & Ors. dated 23/02/2015 regarding discharging of the trade effluents in Dhabi Nala with the consequent contamination of the underground water resources.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Southern Zone, Chennai) in the matter of M/s. Sri Guru Krupa Dyeing Unit & Others Vs Karnataka State Pollution Control Board & Others dated 05/02/2015 regarding pollution by small dyeing units engaged in silk dyeing using manual method.

Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has issued draft ‘Guidelines on Techno – Economic Feasibility of Implementation of Zero Liquid Discharge (Zld) for Water Polluting Industries.’ The guidelines, among other industries, deal with fertilizer sector and distilleries that undertake fertigation, apart from producing organic fertilizers.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on pollution in Ganga, 08/12/2014.

The sub-surface water in and around the SIPCOT Industrial Estate here has become heavily polluted. It is unfit for consumption and poses serious health hazards, including cancer, to the residents.

Following an order of the National Green Tribunal (NGT), the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has uploaded a list of 972 industrial units polluting river Ganga and its tributaries on its webs

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), which released its report to the National Green Tribunal (NGT) recently, states that Uttar Pradesh is home to 817 grossly polluting industrial units on o
