A new technique to preserve the giant panda using in vitro fertilisation, has set off a debate. The technique s opponents would rather welcome an improvement in the animal s natural habitat
THIS is a delightful portrait of the now' extinct Ursus spelaues, largest of the bear family. Known to have coexisted with the Neanderthal human and later, with humans of our own spe Icies
FROM the miasma of late 18th century Manchester to the Earth Summit at Rio, Markham's 'tourist guide to pollution', turns out to be much more than that. Beyond the travelling roadshow of
Conservation policies practised in the developing world need to tread cautiously on territories which had for generations, belonged to the people, says a statement by the Centre for Science and Environment
Produce a white paper on the status of wildlife in the country, which also evaluates the current conservation policies and their effectiveness. Reassess the Wildlife
WHEN the Rural Litigation and Enlightenment Kendra (IRLEK), a non-governmental organisation (NGO) based in Rajaji National Park, initiated a programme to educate the Gujjars, they came up with
Calauit island, the island reserve legacy of Ferdinand Marcos, the former president of Philippines, has become a killing field for African wildlife. Animal species including eight species
Cambodia can use its pristine rainforests and impressive wildlife population to salvage its ruined economy - not by culling the trees or killing the animals, but by displaying them, This novel