TIGER census will now be done by shoot- ing the cats - with a camera, of course! Earlier, pug marks counting was the only method. "Camera trapping", as ,he new method is known, lalls for the
BOULDER-sized bison, grizzly bears and the wild horses, the stuff of Western romantic myths, have now been herded together for tourists. Situated high on the Rocky mountains, the United States
DAVID Turner captures Virginia's endangered species in bronze. There is that master of camouflage, the piping plover of the windy beaches and mudflats of America's eastern shore. This is the 3rd of
Political priorities in insurgency-prone Kashmir may well override the apparent vigour of the wildlife officialdom to protect the shahtoosh (Hymalayan goat-antelope). Senior bureaucrats of the union
Jan-Feb 1995 Preparation for relocation and rehabilitation of the local people from proposed national park area in Kuno with their consent. Translocation of captured nilgai, sambar