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WHEN the Rural Litigation and Enlightenment Kendra (IRLEK), a non-governmental organisation (NGO) based in Rajaji National Park, initiated a programme to educate the Gujjars, they came up with

Wildlife saviour Richard Leakey, hailed as messiah by some, and hated as hell's messenger by others, is now in the thick of Kenyan politics

Calauit island, the island reserve legacy of Ferdinand Marcos, the former president of Philippines, has become a killing field for African wildlife. Animal species including eight species

Cambodia can use its pristine rainforests and impressive wildlife population to salvage its ruined economy - not by culling the trees or killing the animals, but by displaying them, This novel

Following a Delhi High Court decision in 1994 in a civil writ, the ministry of environment and forests has set up a 7- member high power committee to preserve and protect the nation's

IN a welcome move, Madhya Pradesh (mp) has been proclaimed a 'Tiger state' to give more thrust to its tiger protection programme. Declaring this on June 25, the state minister for forests, B R Yadav,

The translocation of surplus wildlife from a Zimbabwean park evokes mixed responses

After working on the Water Wars series of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and winning the Young travel Writer Award from The Observer, Pratap Rughani has just finished

Home to a staggeringly abundant variety of flora and fauna, South Africa -- having emerged out of the shadow of apartheid -- is witnessing a resurgence of its tourism industry; the country has more

Millions of kangaroos in the outbacks of Australia could now hope to be saved from a possibly dark fate owing to blindness as scientists have isolated the virus responsible for it. The kangaroo
