The incentives to attract foreign investment in India's power sector are iniquitous and make little commercial sense. Observers point out that if these projects go through, "India will soon have

Conservation strategy stands on a fork in the road: one leads to animal protection in their natural habitats, or sanctuaries; the other to rearing them in zoos, for eventual release into the wild when conditions permit. Naturalists contend that any other

Some well known reintroduction projects involving zoo born animals:

A taxidermist, who skinned some of America's last bisons, has more than made up for itq

In the not too distant future, zoos may no longer be the place for a Sunday outing

Little Red Riding Hood may not have been devoured, after all

After a 10 year crusade, Sri Lankan environmentalists finally got what they wanted: mandatory environmental impact assessments for development projects. But the whole thing is riddled with glitches...

Duck rearing in India has come a long way. From a small time activity, it has evolved to one in which entire flocks are transported across states to freshly harvested paddy fields. This is symbiosis at its most benevolent. The ducks pay the fields bac

Orchards in Vansda transform distant dream into reality as people unite to store and use the water that would usually run off

The success of a duck hatchery has been limited by lack of interestin its potentioal
