the film title Harvesting Hunger chills one to the bones and the film itself is a despondent tale of the agricultural scenario in the country. "It is apprehended that millions may go hungry in

The wise use of the wonderous sewan grass is fast being hedged out by water intensive agriculture, opening up a thorny issue

Duck rearing in India has come a long way. From a small time activity, it has evolved to one in which entire flocks are transported across states to freshly harvested paddy fields. This is symbiosis at its most benevolent. The ducks pay the fields bac

What is the origin of the Pondicherry Science Forum? Inspired by the experiences of the Kerala Shastra Sahitya Parishat, we set up PSF in December 1985 for the popularisation of science. We

A determined group of youngsters in Shaheed Nagar who started a weekly newspaper find their objectives are slowly being realised.

The fragile ecology of the Garhwal Himalaya witnessed another season of cloudbursts, landslides and flash floods made worse by the 1991 earthquake in the Bhagirathi valley. Down To Earth compiled a firsthand report of life in the unstable Himalayan ran

A routine valve repair on a gas pipeline suddenly turned out to be a nightmare of death because basic precautions were ignored

Young Saif Ali is one of a handful of bhanyara nomadic Gujjars of northern Himachal Pradesh who attend college. But education has led him into a number of dilemmas and today, Ali feels he has no distinct identity of his own

The balding hills of Jadhera panchayat in Himachal Pradesh are regaining their vegetation, thanks to an unusual village chief

Beyond the Thar's austere barrenes, a battle of survival rages between the region's treasure trove of floral diversity and marauders like humans, animals and weather