They are tiny and deadly. Recent research has brought to light the existence of airborne particles so tiny they defy measurement. Toxic particles so minute as to be almost intangible. Though evidence is piling up increasingly on the lethal effects of part

A zoology professor motivates people to plant trees in memory of the deceased

Survival is not easy for an endangered species of gibbons when its habitat is being destroyed, says Kashmira Kakati

Simply put, particles are tiny killers that

While countries with comparatively low particulate pollution are concerned, the Indian administration is complacent

If Delhi responded to the air pollution problem

Minute particles have a lethal effect on human health

Studies conducted in USA have revealed that particulate pollution has a serious effect on the life expectancy of people. Let us assume that a serious episode of particulate pollution leads to heart

Possible biological mechanisms by which pollution affects mortality

Danger signals Air quality data for suspended particulate matter in 70 Indian cities for 1997 reveals only 19 cities with levels below the permissible limit
