WILDLIFE officials in Namibia are battling to save the world's last herd of desert elephants. The herd of 50 is threatened with the anthrax virus. As the disease can kill within 24 hours, officials

THE ELUSIVE sandalwood smuggler Veerappan has dealt another blow. Last month, he lured Mysore superintendent of police T Harikrishna and his men into a trap and mercilessly killed him and five

MEDICAL practitioners in the West are resorting to traditional oriental medical systems in seeking to cure diseases that do not respond to conventional treatment. British dermatologists say they

IN A CASE of weak-kneed capitulation, the European Community has dropped five of the seven environmental cases against Britain. The cases dropped include enquiry into the environmental impact of a

THE CITY of Bangalore may go the Delhi way -- at least in the area of pollution. The garden city's administration is on the warpath to make Bangalore a "noiseless," pollution-free city, unlike the

AN ADVANCED, ultraviolet (UV) light-water disinfection system has been installed at a water pumping station in UK. The system, developed by Hanovia Ltd, differs from earlier systems in that it can

SAARC's proposal to set up a gene bank is still hanging fire though Northern countries have already started to privatise their genetic resources

Environmental degradation in Nepal has spurred several non governmental organisations into working on conservation measures, including teaching children how to manage resources

Despite an acute power shortage in the country, the ministries of power and environment find each other the main obstacles in achieveing their respective goals

Solar energy is free, but harnessing it using conventional crystalline silicon cells is expensive. Efforts in India to produce an efficient, low cost alternative using amorphous, or non crystalline, silicon are now close to success
