Air quality monitoring, emission inventory and source apportionment study for Indian cities
Air quality monitoring, emission inventory and source apportionment study for Indian cities

This new synthesis report provides outcome of the Air Quality Monitoring, Emission Inventory and Source Apportionment Study carried out in the cities of Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kanpur, Mumbai and Pune. The primary focus of the study was on respirable particulate matter (PM10), although it also deals with other pollutants like NOx, SO2, Ozone (O3), PM2.5, etc.
The report is intended to provide scientific basis to the policy makers and other stakeholders, for formulation of strategies and prioritizing actions for improving air quality in urban areas. It draws and integrates the information, data, findings and conclusions contained in detailed city reports prepared by the respective Institutes. The report deals with various elements covered in the study and which are key to urban air quality management. These include air quality monitoring, emission inventory, chemical speciation and source apportionment of PM10 and evaluation of control options using dispersion modeling for evolving city-specific action plans.