FINANCE Minister Manmohan Singh has presented a budget that seeks to push the economy from stabilisation to growth, through structural adjustments. In order to give a boost to exporters, he has moved
Oriya film maker Prithwiraj Mishra's documentary is impressive for its photography, but he fails to deal convincingly with the question of the future of the lagoon.
THE TITLE of this book is somewhat misleading for what it does is to examine in depth the interaction of social disciplines with forestry in its entirety. Agro-forestry, as the term is used here,
Students of Hyderabad University's department of communication have tried to highlight the effect industrialisation can have on the quality of life in their film, Companee Lochayee, Gaddu Rojulu
ONE OF the most remarkable and exciting developments in physics has been the interaction between particle physics and cosmology. Remarkable, because it combines the study of the very small, namely,
THAT SCIENCE and technology (in the broadest sense) have something to do with development is accepted now almost universally. From the discovery of iron to the harnessing of steam, technology has
There is a green tinge to Manmohan Singh's proposals, but he has failed to counter fallouts from liberalisation, such as waste from the food processing industry.
IN DAYS long gone, the bearer of bad tidings was usually put to death unceremoniously. In today's more civilised times, we in the Third World prefer to vilify such messengers as biased agents of