A momentous bang

On September 10, at 10.28 am , local time, the first beam of the world's most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva was steered around a 27 km long tunnel. This event had intended and unintended consequences. Both are of great importance to us, though in vastly different ways.

The discovery that neutrinos have mass will lead to the rewriting of many laws of physics

the working of the human brain, the evolution of life from the primordial soup of chemicals and the unpredictability of weather are some well-known examples of complex systems. Most researchers in

einstein's theory of general relativity, formulated in 1915, is widely acknow

the universe we live in is full of patterns. The regularity of seasons, the movement of heavenly bodies and the intricate pattern of waves on a beach are all ubiquitous patterns around us. The human

How did the primordial soup of amino acids and other molecules organise themselves into a living cell? How do galaxies and other structures form when there is an inexorable tendency towards

IF THERE is One striking feature about the intellectual landscape today, it is the increasing importance of science as opposed to literature or philosophy. Scientists are at the centrestage of

It took almost 2 decades of squinting at the microverse to finally pin down, on March 2, an accomplished atomic escape artist, the top quark

WHEN was the last time you read a popular science book which made you laugh? Or which didn't treat you like a cretin and didn't make absurd, pseudo-scientific statements regarding mysterious

All our energy needs could be met if even a fraction of the solar energy received on the earth could be converted into electricity, and the means to exploit this potential is provided by semiconductors.
