Accelerating change: how corporate users are transforming the renewable energy market
Accelerating change: how corporate users are transforming the renewable energy market
This report focuses on RE100, a global, collaborative initiative of the world’s most influential companies committed to 100% renewable power, led by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP. In little over two years, RE100 has transitioned from a bright idea to a well-known force for change, recognized internationally by the business community, the United Nations, governments and the media. The continued growth in membership following COP21 shows that RE100 is the essential global initiative through which corporates can demonstrate their climate leadership, seize commercial advantage, and develop the markets that will create a tipping point in the transition to renewable energy. This is the second annual report from RE100, examining the progress of member companies working to their 100% renewable electricity goals. This year, thanks to regional consumption data provided voluntarily by 55 of 87 RE100 members, the report also maps the various approaches being taken by businesses in different market contexts around the world.