Addressing environmental degradation and rural poverty through climate change adaptation: an evaluation of social learning in drought-affected districts of Southern India
Addressing environmental degradation and rural poverty through climate change adaptation: an evaluation of social learning in drought-affected districts of Southern India
The overall goal of this paper is to apply the climate change and social learning monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework of the CGIAR’s Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Policies and Institutions Flagship program to a climate change innovation platform. The Strategic Pilot project on Adaptation to Climate Change (SPACC) is selected to illustrate the usefulness of the social learning M&E framework and add to the social learning evidence base. The SPACC project was launched as a three-year (2010-2013) pilot initiative in Andhra
Pradesh, a state in southern India to strengthen the knowledge and capacities of communities to respond to climate variability and change impacts in seven drought-prone districts.