Air quality and health benefits of improved fuel and vehicle emissions standards in Mexico
Air quality and health benefits of improved fuel and vehicle emissions standards in Mexico
At the North American Leaders Summit (NALS) in June 2016, the heads of the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States agreed to “commit to reduce air pollutant emissions by aligning air pollutant emission standards for light- and heavy-duty vehicles and corresponding ultralow-sulfur fuel standards by 2018.” To support regulatory efforts in Mexico that are necessary to achieve this goal, the ICCT coordinated the efforts of several organizations to model of the emissions, air-quality, and public-health benefits of aligning fuel and vehicle-emission standards in Mexico with the rest of North America. The study investigated the impacts of updating three standards in Mexico to align with the international best practices employed in the rest of North America: gasoline and diesel sulfur standards, passenger vehicle emissions standards, and truck and bus emissions standards. The study partners include the Eastern Research Group (ERG), University of Tennessee (UT), and Mexico’s National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático, INECC).