CDP Global Water Report 2015: accelerating action

This year marks the sixth year of CDP’s water program. Since its launch a large and growing number of institutional investors have begun using the platform to engage with companies on water exposures and opportunities. While substantial progress has been made in corporate water disclosure, companies’ reliance on this precious resource is increasing at a time when water security around the world is worsening. This explains why 617 institutional investors, managing US$63 trillion in assets, have come together through CDP’s water program to ask 1,073 publicly listed companies to provide information on how they are prepared for, and adapting to, worsening water security. This year’s 2015 Global Water Report analyzes the 405 companies that responded to their investor’s request, offering a snapshot of the current global state of corporate water management. It also takes a deep dive into trends in water management over the last five years among some of the largest companies in the world that have been consistently reporting to the program. The report is intended to help companies that are sensitive to, or have major impacts on, water availability or quality, as well as inform investors and major multinationals about how their portfolio companies and suppliers are managing these risks, and positioning themselves to participate in the water value revolution.
