The chronic poverty report 2014-2015: the road to zero extreme poverty
The chronic poverty report 2014-2015: the road to zero extreme poverty
The world is on the cusp of agreeing new global goals to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as we approach the 2015 deadline for their achievement. While the MDGs have certainly fuelled progress on poverty reduction over the past decade, the 3rd Chronic Poverty Report shines a light on the millions of people worldwide who are thought to be living in chronic poverty – the grinding and long-term poverty that scars their lives, and often the lives of their children. It proposes a new framing for a post-2015 goal to eradicate extreme poverty, focused on improving poverty dynamics – tackling chronic poverty, stopping impoverishment and supporting sustained escapes from poverty. And, in the context of climate change, it makes the case for a new urgency in eradicating poverty before environmental conditions become much more difficult in many parts of the developing world.