This briefing note summarises the findings of the Chronic Poverty Advisory Network's (CPAN) forthcoming Chronic Poverty Report on Growth.

This study examines the relationship between natural hazard-related disasters, including those influenced by climate change, and child and adolescent poverty in India and Kenya. It explores these connections through a lifecycle approach focusing on the incidence of child poverty and longer-term poverty dynamics and wellbeing.

Grounding lines are a key indicator of ice-sheet instability, because changes in their position reflect imbalance with the surround-ing ocean and affect the flow of inland ice. Although the grounding lines of several Antarctic glaciers have retreated rapidly due to ocean-driven melting, records are too scarce to assess the scale of the imbalance. Here, we combine satellite altimeter obser-vations of ice-elevation change and measurements of ice geometry to track grounding-line movement around the entire conti-nent, tripling the coverage of previous surveys.

The world is on the cusp of agreeing new global goals to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as we approach the 2015 deadline for their achievement.

This report examines the relationship between disasters and poverty. It concludes that, without concerted action, there could be up to 325 million extremely poor people living in the 49 countries most exposed to the full range of natural hazards and climate extremes in 2030.

This policy guide explores how access to energy can assist with policies for the chronically poor. Over the past two years, the challenge of providing people living in poverty with access to modern energy has been prominent in policy debates.

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have increased support for poverty reduction. For over a decade, they have provided a ‘moral compass’ to measure progress towards crucial human development targets, from poverty reduction to tackling disease.

The Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC) was founded in 2000 to challenge, through research, the apparent omission of almost a billion people from the 2015 poverty target of the Millennium Development Goals. The first decade of the 21st century has illustrated the power of economic growth and human development to bring large numbers out of poverty.

This report looks at the large numbers of programmes and schemes aimed at poverty allevation and identifies why they have not succeeded to the desired extent. Design flaws, weak implementation, inadequate provision of funds, and the inability of the poor to access scheme benefits, are amongst many factors identified and analyzed.