A Budget that works for agriculture would be one that enhances investment in farms, spurs market intermediaries to improve their services, and brings about price stability. It should nudge policies towards more integrated markets.

For the first time in many years, the setting for the forthcoming Union Budget is one of good agricultural growth.

This report looks at the large numbers of programmes and schemes aimed at poverty allevation and identifies why they have not succeeded to the desired extent. Design flaws, weak implementation, inadequate provision of funds, and the inability of the poor to access scheme benefits, are amongst many factors identified and analyzed.

This paper examines the incidence and dynamics of poverty over a period of three decades from 1970 to the end of the 1990s. We use a national rural panel household data set, based on household surveys conducted by the National Council of Applied Economic Research in three rounds in 1970, 1981 and 1998. It examines the trends in the incidence of poverty in India from a longitudinal perspective.

Because of lack of proper sanitation, communicable diseases spread causing considerable loss and disabilities to human resources. Considering this, the international community has set the provision of sanitation as part of the Millennium Development Goals, aiming to reduce the number of those without

The development of rural housing in a manner that results in adequate, quality shelter for inhabitants of Mahatma Gandhi’s “real India” is a challenge before the nation. What are the issues confronting rural housing development in India? The litany of its woes is endless.