This paper assesses the impact of climate change on Indian agriculture covering a cross section of crops, seasons and regions based on existing literature. The study notes that the impact of climate change will vary across crops, regions and climate change scenarios.

The contemporary debate on the SEZ policy has been quite fierce but the focus has been mostly on the issues pertaining to the establishment, sanctioning procedures, land grabbing and protests against the SEZ policy. In the melee, the major issue of economic utility (if any) of SEZs is forgotten or not bothered about.

This study discusses the trends and patterns in agricultural growth at the national and sub-national levels in India. Data on important variables like area, production, input use and value of output were compiled for the period 1967-68 to 2007-08 from various published sources.

This document contains the presentation made by Umesh Babu at National climate research conference, IIT Delhi, March 5-6, 2010.

‘Gender, Ecology and Development’ is a fast emerging area of academic and policy importance, especially in the context of developing societies. Beginning with a discussion in the international context, this paper looks into the attention paid to gender concerns in development in their links with environmental issues.

The economic policy reform in respect of Indian cement industry, during the early 80

This paper attempts to assess the status of Traditional Knowledge Systems (TKS) as a tool of conservation in the Arakalgud administrative unit of Karnataka. The Study is based on the field investigation and interaction with the followers of

The method employed in this study of the nature of imperial purpose in India sought to compare the principles against the practice of British rule in relation to

Following the empirical study, cloud-free satellite data were used to study the forests in multi-temporal dimensions. Use of remote sensing data with visual observation/ground truth data is an advanced tool to study and understand the development patterns of the forests. Based on the vegetation index and land

This paper is aimed at understanding the drinking water status and management approaches adopted in four coastal villages of Karnataka. Saltwater intrusion, seasonal scarcity and groundwater depletion are the common problems encountered
