Comprehensive Policy for Grid- connected Power Projects based on New and Renewable (Non- conventional) Energy Sources - 2015

For the development of new and renewable sources of energy in the State, various incentive have been declared from time to time to create installed capacity through projects of different sources of renewable energy. There are abundant new and renewable energy sources available in the state. Apart from the wind and solar energy source, power generation is also possible from bagasse based on sugarcane and from agricultural, bio-medical, mineral, industrial and other wastes. Considering the importance of these sources and their potential of power generation in the state, a comprehensive policy for generation and promotion of electricity from projects based on solar, wind, bagasse/biomass co-generation, small hydro and from agriculture, mineral, bio-medical, industrial waste, was under consideration of the Government of Maharashtra. The Cabinet approved the comprehensive grid connected renewable policy in its meeting dated 2nd June, 2015.
