Development of Agra solar city: final master plan
The “Development of Solar Cities” programme by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India, is an immense opportunity for contributing towards a sustainable India in the coming years. This programme is a crucial step towards supporting Indian cities for the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects and curbing conventional energy demand by 10% in the next five years. This master plan is the outcome of the programme’s objective is to develop a road map for the city to envision and implement renewable energy and energy conservation strategies. The master plan begins with the introductory city profile which encapsulates the city’s current energy demands and also the municipal corporation services which are intrinsic to the city’s growing energy demand. The 2nd chapter provides the Current Energy Scenario of Agra. The 3rd Chapter Energy Demand Forecast of Agra estimates the future conventional energy demand interpolating the past data of energy consumption as well as population growth data. The 4th Chapter Renewable energy Strategy for ANN begins with the resource availability and intensity of renewable energy resources like solar, wind, biomass and waste generation in the city. Energy Efficiency Strategies are discussed in the 5th Chapter where strategies are made for different sectors viz. residential, commercial & Institutional, industrial and municipal. In Chapter 6, year wise goals, implementation strategy, physical target, action plan, budget and sharing of expenses has been discussed.