Draft zoning and development promotion regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region
Draft zoning and development promotion regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region
The salient features / highlights of the Draft Metropolitan Development Plan are: The projected population of HMDA area for 2031 is 1.84 crores, The Base Map is prepared on the basis of Satellite Image of CARTOSATI, LISS-IV Multi spectral data, SOI Topo sheets and Village cadastral maps; Environmental Suitability and Land potential analysis carried out to arrive at suitable land availability for development proposals; The main guiding principles followed in the preparation of development plan including the requirements as per HMDA Act, 2008 are: Transit Oriented Development, Multiple nuclei concept creating alternative centers and sub centers, Rural Urban Continuum, Peri Urban Development,Provision of Social Amenities and Environmentally Suitable Development.