Environmental impact assessment for 1750 MW Demwe Lower HE Project, Arunachal Pradesh

The main objective of the study is to prepare the Environmental Impact ssessment report and formulation of Environmental Management Plan for obtaining Environmental Clearance from the regulatory agencies. The Study has been conducted to carryout Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment based on season data covering the following: Assessment of the existing status of water, land, biological, climatic, socioeconomic, health and cultural components of the environment; Identification of potential impact on various environmental components due to activities envisaged during pre-construction, construction and operational phases of the proposed Hydroelectric Project; Prediction of significant impacts on the major environmental components using appropriate mathematical/simulation models wherever necessary; Preparation of environmental impact statement based on the identification, prediction and evaluation of impacts; and Formulation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) outlining preventive and curative strategies for minimizing adverse impacts during preconstruction, construction and operational phases of the proposed project along with the cost estimates and time schedule for implementation of EMP.
