The EU’s 2030 energy and climate change package: fit for a food and energy-secure world?

The EU is facing an energy wake-up call as a food and fuel crisis looms – caused by political instability playing out with Russia over Ukraine and climate vulnerability in Europe’s key exporters. Big decisions are being taken now about Europe's energy future as the EU negotiates a new set of climate and energy targets for 2030. The only way to guarantee secure and affordable energy and to climate-proof its food, is for the EU to urgently increase climate action and wean itself off fossil fuels, rather than opt for a dead-end route of more coal extraction and fracking. The EU must agree targets to reduce energy demand, and boost sustainable renewable energy, to help reduce emissions by at least 55 percent by 2030 – keeping energy affordable for Europe and tackling climate change, which stands to devastate the poorest and reverse the fight against hunger.
