GHG or not GHG: accounting for diverse mitigation contributions in the post-2020 climate framework

The OECD/IEAClimate Change Expert Group (CCXG) has published a paper, titled “GHG or not GHG: Accounting for Diverse Mitigation Contributions in the Post-2020 Climate Framework. The paper highlights that the parties to the UNFCCC are working towards a new climate change agreement in 2015 and are likely to put forward a diverse range of intended national mitigation contributions. It notes that these contributions could vary from greenhouse gas (GHG) to non-GHG (such as energy efficiency) goals, using a variety of accounting approaches, which would determine the actual levels of emission reductions. The paper emphasizes that, because of the likely diversity of intended goals, there is a need for a post-2020 accounting framework that accommodates a range of contribution types and varying national capacities to ensure that the contributions can be understood and their implementation tracked.
