Global 500 greenhouse gases performance 2010-2013: 2014 report on trends

Thomson Reuters released a new report – Global 500 Greenhouse Gases Performance 2010-2013: 2014 Report on Trends – revealing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data from the world’s 500 largest businesses (Global 500). The report was written in collaboration with BSD Consulting, a global sustainability consultancy. Among the data included in the report, the Global 500 is responsible for more than 10 percent of the world’s GHG emissions, which are concentrated among the top 50 firms, who account for 79 percent of all Global 500 emissions. From 2010 to 2013, GHG emissions from the Global 500 have increased 3.1 percent, a concerning trend given that GHG emissions should have seen a 4.2 percent reduction to meet standards outlined in the 2014 UNEP Emissions Gap Report intended to provide a path through 2050 to keeping global temperatures within a two degrees Celsius average increase.
