Global food security index 2016: an annual measure of the state of global food security
Global food security index 2016: an annual measure of the state of global food security
Global economic growth has led to structural developments that are essential to improving access to affordable, nutritious foods, including more extensive food safety-net programs and better food transport infrastructure. But most of the food-security improvements in the last five years, according to the latest EIU Index, have been in middle-income countries. Low-income countries continue to lag behind. The GFSI, sponsored by DuPont, is an annual benchmarking index that provides a common framework for understanding the root causes of food insecurity by examining the dynamics of food systems around the world. Through this framework, the GFSI has created a unique country-level food-security measurement tool that addresses the issues of affordability, availability and utilization in 113 countries. Low-income countries often lack basic infrastructure, and smaller incomes inhibit access to and affordability of nutritious food. Political risk and corruption frequently compound structural difficulties in these countries. These issues are exacerbated by the risk of future climate change. Changing weather patterns, drought, increased rainfall and flooding will have a significant impact in the long term, potentially pushing up food prices and increasing production volatility.