Global gaps in clean energy research, development, and demonstration
Global gaps in clean energy research, development, and demonstration
This paper, prepared in support of the Major Economies Forum (MEF) Global Partnership by the International Energy Agency, seeks to inform decision making and prioritisation of RD&D investments and other policies to accelerate low-carbon energy technologies in the MEF and IEA member countries and others by providing three primary sets of information: estimated current levels of public RD&D spending for the technology areas initially targeted by the MEF; future RD&D priorities for these technologies, based on the IEA roadmaps and other efforts; and an assessment of the gap between current levels of technology ambition and the levels that will be needed to achieve our shared climate change goals by 2050; concluding with suggestions for next steps that can be taken to advance the technologies. This paper maps ten categories of low-carbon energy technologies/practices, including bioenergy (including biofuels and biomass combustion for power and heat).