Gurugram: A framework for sustainable development
Gurugram: A framework for sustainable development
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) and Gurgaon First – under the aegis of the Municipal Corporation (MCG) of Gurugram -- have come together to assess the challenges that Gurugram faces and offer a framework for sustainable development of the township. The framework – put together as a document titled Gurugram: A framework for sustainable development -- was by Minister of State, Union ministry of urban development, at the Gurugram Environment Conclave, as a build-up to the World Environment Day. This citizen’s initiative brings together all those who are worried about the sustainability of this rapidly growing city to define a roadmap for providing clean air, clean water, waste-free neighbourhoods, energy security, pollution- and congestion-free mobility, affordable living and more green areas and forests for the well-being of all, including the urban poor.