Long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies

Long-term low greenhouse gas development strategies (long-term strategies) offer an opportunity for the G20 to set the leadership direction that will help steer the world toward a viable climate future. The G20 collectively accounts for 75 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions (Climate Transparency 2017) and 85 percent of global GDP (OECD and IEA 2017). With nearly $70 trillion in forecasted infrastructure spending through 2040 (GIHub 2017), G20 countries have an imperative to ensure wise investments that will facilitate the transitions to low–greenhouse gas development and mitigate climate risk through long-term planning. Recent analysis shows that the G20 can generate inclusive economic growth in the short term while making ambitious progress toward long-term climate objectives (OECD 2017). This paper aims to serve as a resource for the G20. It draws lessons from countries’ experiences in order to highlight issues to consider in developing long-term strategies. It orients G20 members toward considerations around the development of long-term strategies that can deliver the benefits outlined above, including where to start, which design features to consider, what elements to include, and which data and inputs support the strategy development.