National mission on sustainable habitat
National mission on sustainable habitat
The national mission on sustainable habitat approved by Prime minister. It is one of the eight missions under national climate change action plan and aims to make cities sustainable through improvements in energy efficiency in buildings, management of solid waste & shift to public transport.
The National Mission for Sustainable Habitat which is a component of the National Action Plan for Climate Change will broadly cover the following aspects: Extension of the energy conservation building code - which addresses the design of new and large commercial buildings to optimize their energy demand; Better urban planning and modal shift to public transport - make long term transport plans to facilitate the growth of medium and small cities in such a way that ensures efficient and convenient public transport; Recycling of material and urban waste management - a special areas of focus will be development of technology for producing power form waste. The National Mission will include a major R&D programme, focusing on bio-chemical conversion, waste water use, sewage utilization and recycling options wherever possible.
See Also
Report: National plan on climate change
Report: Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission: towards building solar India
Report: National mission on enhanced energy efficiency
Report: National rating system for green buildings
Report: Scheme on energy efficient solar/green buildings
Report: National urban housing and habitat policy 2007
Feature: How green is your building
Report: National urban transport policy 2006