Public distribution system and other sources of household consumption

The NSS consumer expenditure survey (CES) aims at generating estimates of average household monthly per capita consumer expenditure (MPCE), its distribution over households and persons, and its break-up by commodity group, at national and State/UT level, and for different socio-economic groups. This report covers a few aspects of household consumption which can broadly be clubbed under the heading of “source of consumption”. The sources of consumption considered here are: purchase from Public Distribution System (PDS); purchase from other sources; home produce; exchange of goods and services; free collection; and gifts and charities. The report presents, for each State/UT and all-India: for rice, wheat/atta, sugar and kerosene, estimate of average consumption per household (both quantity and value) from PDS and from other sources, and proportion of households making any consumption from PDS during the past 30 days; for each item of consumption, estimate of proportion of rural households using different sources of consumption (viz., purchase, home produce, free collection, gifts, etc.) and the corresponding proportion of quantity and value of consumption (in rural areas) coming from home produce.
