Renewables 2015: global status report

For the first time in four decades, the world's gross domestic product (GDP) rose in 2014 without a coinciding rise in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, according to the Renewables 2015 Global Status Report. The report also finds that 2014 was a record year for wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) installations, and that investments in renewables, excluding large-scale hydropower, reached US$270.2 billion. The developing world accounted for almost half that figure, at US$131.3 billion. Released on 18 June 2015 by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) at the Vienna Energy Forum, the 10th edition of the Status Report tracks renewable energy capacity additions, policies and investments in 2014. According to the report, total installed capacity of renewable energy power reached 1,712 gigawatts (GW), an 8.5% increase over 2013. At the close of 2014, renewables claimed a 27.7% estimated share of global power generating capacity, which is sufficient to supply approximately 22.8% of global electricity demand, as stated in the report.
