Social Progress Index 2017
Social Progress Index 2017
India has been ranked 93rd among 128 countries in the world in social progress. The Social Progress Index-2017 classifies India one of the ‘Lower Middle Social Progress’ countries with a score of 58.39. India scores very poorly on environmental quality reveals the global index.
The 2017 Social Progress Index, a tool that uses key indicators in the areas of basic human needs, foundations of well-being, and opportunity to measure the relative performance of nations, regions, and even cities. In its fourth edition, the index can now compare 128 countries to reveal trends on both a macro and micro scale, patterns that could make clear the path to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Topline macro global trends from the past year: quality of life overall is improving, but personal rights and safety, and tolerance and inclusion are all showing a troubling decline. Overall the world is underperforming on social progress when you look at what the average GDP per capita suggests is possible. It’s not all doom and gloom though, Skoll-funded social entrepreneurs are working actively in each of the ten countries that have shown the greatest improvement in the last four years.