South Asia disaster report special Copenhagen issue: a South Asian perspective on climate change and increased disaster risk
South Asia disaster report special Copenhagen issue: a South Asian perspective on climate change and increased disaster risk
This analytical review of the disaster risk reduction scenarios in South Asia says that there is no development which is risk neutral. It either increases the risk or reduces the risk. Provides a performance audit on institutional mechanisms, policies and practices of different countries to bring out gaps and best practices.
This issue offers a South Asian perspective on climate change and increased disaster risk. The report is an analytical review of the disaster risk reduction scenarios in South Asia with a view to move the theory into practice. It is a special edition of the second South Asia Disaster Report, published for the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen. The theme of this report is on Disaster Development Linkages in South Asia and its connects and disconnects. The report discusses that there is no development which is risk neutral. It either increases the risk or reduces the risk. The report provides a performance audit on institutional mechanisms, policies and practices of different countries to bring out gaps and best practices.