Climate change attribution analysis assesses the likelihood that a particular extreme weather event has been made more or less likely as a result of anthropogenic climate change.

Poor People's Energy Outlook 2012 examines the linkages between energy access and better opportunities for earning a living, while recognising that there are many barriers which must be overcome on the path from improved energy access to increased incomes.

This report charts the approach to disaster risk reduction and poverty alleviation followed by Practical Action in Nepal. It aims to be informative of the relationship between disasters and poverty and makes suggestion on the basis of the project work with Nepali communities.

Disasters and climate change are increasingly influencing the attainment of development objectives. Poor people regularly face hazards and stresses which undermine their lives and production systems, and on occasions result in widespread disaster. Climate change is causing many hazards and stresses to increase in frequency and intensity.

This analytical review of the disaster risk reduction scenarios in South Asia says that there is no development which is risk neutral. It either increases the risk or reduces the risk. Provides a performance audit on institutional mechanisms, policies and practices of different countries to bring out gaps and best practices.

 This new report presents a unique perspective on energy access in developing countries. Presents the experiences of energy use and deprivation of people living in poverty & alongwith recommendations on policy, financing & capabilities towards creation of a vibrant energy access “ecosystem” of energy product and service providers, engaging public, private & civil society sectors.