World Disasters Report 2016: resilience - saving lives today, investing for tomorrow
World Disasters Report 2016: resilience - saving lives today, investing for tomorrow
This year’s World Disasters Report focuses on resilience within humanitarian action. The report explores the different meanings of resilience, as well as criticisms, and its application both before and after crises. It considers how resilience is measured, and the importance of building evidence. The report examines the ‘business case’ for adopting a resilience approach, arguing that investing in resilience yields financial and social benefits, as well as saving lives. It looks at anticipation, and some of the tools and approaches that exist. The report explores the importance of mental health and psychosocial support for those affected by crises, and makes the case that more effort is needed in this often-underestimated area. It reviews the nature of partnership between key actors, and argues that more attention is needed in building more equitable relationships based on trust and transparency. Finally, the report considers the future role of a resilience approach in the face of
threats including climate change, conflict and violence.