This report presents a collection of case studies of how Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies worldwide are protecting and assisting communities in the context of climate-related displacement. And it calls for more ambitious climate action and investment in local communities and local organizations to address this urgent humanitarian challenge.
It is a very concerning situation that over 100 million people in Africa are facing catastrophic levels of food insecurity (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification-3 and above) and the situation may worsen in the coming months especially between June and August 2021.
Disasters cause massive human suffering and economic loss. In 2017 alone, 318 natural disasters occurred in 122 countries resulting in 9,503 deaths, affecting 96 million people and causing US$314 billion in economic damage.
This year’s World Disasters Report focuses on resilience within humanitarian action. The report explores the different meanings of resilience, as well as criticisms, and its application both before and after crises. It considers how resilience is measured, and the importance of building evidence.
Among the negative effects of climate change, human displacement is one of the most complex to face, since it encompasses extremely delicate political topics, such as migration, protection of people in need and liability for climate change damage.
This publication explores the vulnerability and capability assessment (VCA) in light of growing institutional VCA experience and changing risk patterns, in particular to assess its relevance in addressing issues linked to climate change and to conducting a VCA in an urban area.
The World Disasters Report 2013 examines the profound impact of technological innovations on humanitarian action, how humanitarians employ technology in new and creative ways, and what
This 2012 edition of World Disasters Report released by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies focuses on the plight of people forcibly displaced by conflict, political upheaval, disasters, climate change & development projects.
This latest World Disasters Report focuses on hunger and malnutrition, analyses the causes and impacts of this growing crisis and advocates solutions at community, national and international levels.