The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission was launched in 2009 to create policy conditions to make solar power as affordable as conventional power by 2022, and establish India as global leader in solar energy.

This document presents the description of visit to Sirsa District of Haryana, where solar energy project commissioned on April 15th 2011 under Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (Off-grid Solar Photo voltaic applications),

The case study analyzes the lessons learnt from ground realities on implementation of solar energy systems in rural India. This is an excellent case of making policy-practice connect viable. Off Grid Energy Solutions are viable in remote corners of country with community ownership harvesting the benefits to the maximum extent.

The guidelines for off-grid and roof-top solar applications under Jawaharlal Nehru National solar Mission launched by Union New & Non Renewable resources minister Dr. Fahrooq Abdulla.

The objectives of this guidelines are: To promote off-grid applications of solar energy (both SPV and Solar Thermal) for meeting the targets set in the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission for Phase-I; To create awareness and demonstrate effective and innovative use of Solar systems for individual/ community/ institutional/ industrial applications; To encourage innovation in addressing market

The Government has recently launched the Jawaharlal Nehru Solar Mission, which is a major initiative of the Government of India and State Governments to promote ecologically sustainable growth while addressing India's energy security challenge. It will also constitute a major contribution by India to the global effort to meet the challenges of climate change.

A wireless revolution has transformed telecoms in India and in other emerging markets. The electricity market, on the other hand, remains underdeveloped. We define Wireless Electricity as renewable energy produced within a few hundred meters of the point of consumption. A wireless revolution in electricity would solve the problem of electricity deficit, empower people at the bottom of the pyramid and mitigate the environmental impact of bringing hundreds of millions out of poverty as the Indian economy grows.

This document contains the Report of the working group on new and renewable energy for XITH five year plan (2007-12) .

11 Mar 2013

A number you likely know: 400 million. That’s how many people live without electricity in India. And not coincidentally, most of these people are poorest of the poor and live in rural villages or hamlets. The presence of such an enormous population eager for something better has given rise to new commercial products and services such as solar lanterns, solar home systems, and, the subject of this blog, micro-grids.

31 Jan 2013

How will solar energy be made to work in India? As I discussed in my previous article there are three key challenges. One, how will the country pay for solar energy in a situation where there is no money to pay for even the crashed costs of installation. Two, what is the best model for the distribution and use of this relatively expensive energy in a country where millions still live in the dark? Three, how should India combine the twin objectives of supply of clean energy and creation of domestic manufacturing capacities?
