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The issue relating to environmental degradation arising out of sand mining was raised before the Hon’ble National Green Tribunal, New Delhi on 5th August, 2013 by the National Green Tribunal Bar Association. The Applicants, inter alia, contended that the large scale illegal and impermissible mining activity going on, on the bank of the Yamuna, Ganga, Chambal , Gaumti and Revati rivers amongst othersis causing serious threat to the flow of the river , forests upon the bank of the rivers and most seriously to the environment of these areas.

See Also:

Application of the National Green Tribunal Bar Association on rampant illegal sand mining in the Yamuna riverbed, without prior Environment Clearance, August 2013.

See Also: Order of the National Green Tribunal on mining activity on the banks of rivers dated 05/08/2013

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has restrained any person, company, authority to carry out any mining activity or removal of sand, from river beds anywhere in the country without obtaining Environmental Clearance. Read full text of the order.dated 5 August 2013.

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) is all set to make government agencies accountable for the quality of drinking water supplied by them.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Dr. P.C. Prasad & Ors. Vs. Govt. Of NCT of Delhi & Ors dated 02/08/2013 regarding cutting down of trees for the Elevated Road project.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Lilason Breweries Ltd. Bhopal Vs. MP State Bio Diversity Board dated 02/08/2013 regarding benefit sharing in Biological Diversity Fund of the Madhya Pradesh Bio Diversity Board.

In a major initiative, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) on Thursday made clear its intentions of putting an end to arbitrary garbage dumping in Tamil Nadu clear and said it would want to evolve a

Tribunal directs district authorities to put an end to illegal activities in the estuary near Kovalam.

Environmental clearance will be obtained before starting Kuthambakkam plant: Corporation.

Irked over a reply not being filed in a case, the National Green Tribunal has issued an ultimatum to Union Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) to file its reply on the next hearing, lest it b
