Replying to a question in Lok Sabha, environment minister Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday said that 276 villages in Andhra Pradesh, four in Chhattisagarh and eight in Odisha are likely to be submerg
Government said on Wednesday that 276 villages in Andhra Pradesh, four villages in Chhattisagarh and eight villages in Odisha are likely to be submerged due to Polavaram Dam project.
NOIDA: Taking a serious note of violations of air and water pollution norms, the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) plans to take strict measures against offenders in Noida, Greater Noid
BHUBANESWAR: At least seven stone quarries, which supply raw materials to stone crusher units in Khurda district, are running without obtaining consent from the Odisha State Pollution Control Board
The Madras High Court Bench here on Wednesday criticised the State government for using machineries to quarry sand from riverbeds “perhaps under pressure from lorry owners” and for not disclosing t
MADURAI: The Madras high court Madurai bench on Wednesday passed orders dismissing 18 writ petitions that challenged the order of the national green tribunal (NGT) allowing the public works departm
With the Coastal Zone Management Authority submitting before the High Court that CRZ clearance has not been issued to DLF flats at Chilavanoor in Kochi, the State Environment Impact Assessment Auth
Order of the National Green Tribunal (Eastern Zone Bench, Kolkata) in the matter of Dharanidhar Mohapatra Vs MoEF & Others dated 05/08/2014 regarding environmental clearance given to M/s Kalinga Calciner Ltd. at Udayabata, Tahasil-Kujanga, District Jagatsinghpur, Odisha.
The National Green Tribunal on Monday sought the Centre’s response on a plea requesting a stay on a Ministry of Urban Development project that seeks to commercialise the East Kidwai Nagar area in t