This paper describes the creation of a database providing estimated greenhouse gas (GHG) footprints for 6 million US households over the period 2008-2012. The database allows analysis of footprints for 52 types of consumption (e.g.

While national carbon dioxide emissions are regularly published for most countries, data specific to individual sectors, companies, geographic regions, or facilities are more difficult to obtain – if available at all.

Recent weeks have seen the carbon footprint of the National Thermal Power Corporation - India

This paper provides a detailed description and assessment of CARMA (Carbon Monitoring for Action), a database that reports CO2 emissions from the power sector. CARMA also lays the groundwork for the global monitoring system that will be necessary to ensure the credibility of any post-Kyoto carbon emissions limitation agreement. CARMA focuses on the power sector because it is
the largest carbon dioxide emitter, and because power plants are much better-documented than many sources of carbon emissions.

Coal power generation in China and India is expected to double and triple, respectively, over the next 20 years, increasing exposure to fuel price volatility, exacerbating local air pollution, and hastening global climate change. Concentrating solar power (CSP) is a growing source of utility-scale, pollution-free electricity, but its potential in Asia remains largely unexamined.