With the highest number of Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) violations being reported from Kochi, the Kerala Coastal Zone Management Authority (KCZMA) will hold its special sitting in the district sho

To discuss Cusat panel report with stakeholders

Encroachments on the banks of Konthuruthy river

Environmental Appraisal Committee to consider proposal mooted by KSEB

By 2021, city will need 975MU of power every year

Revenue officials asked to measure land in possession of the builder

Air heavy with RSPM, says report

Forest officers to take stock of situation at Mullaperiyar dam

The animal might cause problems elsewhere or die in the wild

Translocating leopards that stray into human habitations cannot permanently solve the human-leopard conflicts, pointed out wildlife researchers.
Referring to the recent incidents of sighting of leopards at Vazhachal forest division, researchers said the translocation could turn the animals more problematic and eventually it might cause problems elsewhere or die in the wild.

The MoEF was asked to submit final view on matter

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) will take a look at the Kasturirangan report on Western Ghats on Monday even as electioneering has picked up momentum on the green issue in many key constituencies of the State.
