The Rs 69-crore Giri water scheme has come under a scanner after a Shimla Municipal Corporation (SMC) team yesterday found many “missing links” in the quality and specifications of water pipes used

The Health Department has set 2023 deadline to make the state TB-free. Health experts face a daunting task as the number of Multiple Drug Resistant (MDR) TB cases are on the rise.

Will release more funds for the project after Niti Aayog grants its approval

Shimla will soon have a wildlife crime control wing to check the poaching of snow leopards, pheasants, musk deer and bears.

Fearing another outbreak of jaundice, residents of Sector 5 in New Shimla today demanded action against erring officials and compensation for the mental torture they had to go through for three day

The state government’s plan to develop the cold desert of Spiti as a 1,000 mw solar energy hub by 2022 has been shelved by the Centre until it sets up the load dispatch station in upper Kinnaur to

Trash TERI study that global warming to reduce fruit production

The reports on the jaundice outbreak in Shimla and Solan submitted to the state government by the National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune, and the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) have

The National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune, has again sent alarm bells ringing in Shimla and Solan.

Six patients admitted to Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital in a week
