Shimla will soon have a wildlife crime control wing to check the poaching of snow leopards, pheasants, musk deer and bears.

Himachal Pradesh will try to light up three non-electrified villages located in the deep forests of the Great Himalayan National Park Conservation Area, India's richest biodiversity spot in the wes

The Great Himalayan National Park (GHNP) of Himachal Pradesh has been nominated for the prestigious UNESCO-approved World Heritage Site status.

Extended Great Himalayan National Park

Govt to rope in Wildlife Institute of India to get the coveted status

The government will approach the Wildlife Institute of India to help identify the outstanding universal value of the Great Himalayan National Park (GHNP) in Kullu to pave the way for the bestowing of the world heritage status on it.

Govt Reworked On Documents After UN Body Rejected Five Of The Six Monuments Last Year

Says govt will urge Centre to release Rs 227 cr

Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh today said the state government would urge the Centre to release Rs 277 crore to the state. The amount had erroneously been deposited in the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority of India (CAMPA) by the Ministry of Defence as the cost of trees under its projects.

In the past few years the struggle on ‘commons’ has intensified around the natural resources by the subaltern people. There is a direct conflict between people whose livelihoods are dependent on these resources and the state. This conflict is getting sharper with the growing onslaught of the neo-liberal policies of the state. In order to fight back the neo-liberal agenda, various people’s movements, social movements and independent trade unions on natural resources, such as forestry, fisheries, mining and water, have come together to fight collectively against the hegemony of the state.

The IPCC in its Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) described the Himalayan Region as data-deficient in terms of climate monitoring. This is a serious impediment to global research initiatives and thus necessitates long-term ecological monitoring (LTEM) across the Himalaya. Being governed by low temperature conditions, the high-altitude regions in Himalaya are more responsive to changing environmental conditions and hence serve as better indicators.

Niharni: The noise created by the blasting of rocks is sending shock waves among wild animals in the core area of the Great Himalayan National Park (GHNP).
