A study group of the mines ministry has recommended significant increases in royalties on production of key minerals, which if approved can lead to 50% increase in royalty collections for mineral r

Korean steelmaker says the original size of the plant will remain unchanged

An expert panel has recommended renewal of environment clearance for Posco’s proposed steel project in Odisha, raising hopes that the Korean company will be able to start work on its much-delayed plant.

The National Green Tribunal has ordered a status quo on tree and vine felling on the site of Posco’s steel plant in Odisha until a decision is taken on its lapsed environmental clearance.

House panel approves provision in mining bill requiring a miner to disburse an amount equal to the royalty earned by the govt

AParliamentary panel that examined the proposed new Mining Bill has recommended that coal and lignite miners too be asked to share an amount equivalent to the royalty they pay to the government with the project affected people as against the proposed 26% of profit they make.
A clause in the new Bill had proposed that miners of major minerals like iron ore and bauxite contribute an amount equal to royalty towards a “district mineral foundation (DMF)”, and coal and lignite mines part with 26% of profits towards compensating the project affected. The industry is opposed to this proposal, saying that this would, in effect, take mining tax in the country to 69-70%, the highest in the world.

The Goa government will inform the Centre of its stand on the critical matter of buffer zones of wildlife sanctuaries and parks by Monday, a crucial step that will allow the Ministry of Environment

In an affidavit to the SC, coal ministry says state governments may own blocks but it has the final say

The coal ministry, in an affidavit to the Supreme Court, has said that it has the sole legal right to allocate coal blocks even as the state governments own the blocks and eventually grant the mining leases. In response to the query of the apex court, which questioned the ministry’s authority in this regard, the coal ministry said that though there was no express statutory provision, a combined reading of the Coal Mines Act and a later amendment in the MMDR Act, introducing competitive bidding, gave it the final say in the matter of allocating all major minerals.

‘Cos, both PSUs & private, have neither operated in an environmentally sustainable manner, nor socially beneficial manner’

“Mining only leads to greater poverty,” Jairam Ramesh, Union Minister of Rural Development explained to the tribals of Lanjigarh, Odisha at the foothills of the Niyamgiri hills. This is the union minister's first visit to the naxal-affected Kalahandi district, a political tinderbox, where tribal interests are ranged against big corporates. Mr Ramesh insisted his visit was part of his agenda to visit all naxal affected districts and fight extremism with increased rural development.

A Supreme Court committee is likely to recommend drastic action against miners in Goa, including severe curbs on production, in a move expected to hit the state’s finances and devastate the country

Once feted for being India’s highest taxpayers, miners are the new untouchables in town.

The federation representing merchant miners in the country claims stocks at mine heads reveal that there is no real shortage of iron ore, a key steelmaking ingredient.
