Conservation of the lakes can significantly enhance the much wanted and rapidly declining underground water availability in and around the growing city of Coimbatore. This was one of the major ecological functions of the lakes possibly conceived by the far-sighted Tamil kings in the past.

This rapid survey is carried out to know the people’s perception on the changes with the suspension of mining in Goa, by way of reviewing print media and conducting a primary survey. Goa’s mining operations were suspended first by the Goa Government on 10.09.2012 after the Justice M.

This rapid survey is carried out to know the people’s perception on the changes with the suspension of mining in Goa, by way of reviewing print media and conducting a primary survey. Goa’s mining operations were suspended first by the Goa Government on 10.09.2012 after the Justice M.

Project Tiger has been the first major conservation scheme in India. It has gone through phases of vex and vane. All eyes are set on the fate of charismatic tiger. Every possible effort is being made to save the tiger in spite of various odds. Ironically, demand for tiger parts and products outside India is causing a death blow to tigers in India. Decreasing number of tigers outside India is further accentuating pressure on tigers in India. The project tiger status report has been prepared for the first time to put facts and figures before all concerned.